Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

Feb 06

RotoHog and NASCAR press release on strategic deal to power fantasy stock exchange

by Kelly Perdew Fantasy Sports, NASCAR,, Sports, Sports Market Ticker No Comments

RotoHog Forms Strategic Partnership with NASCAR.COM, to Create and Implement Fantasy Stock Exchange Game

One of America’s fastest-growing game developers to build a state of the art fantasy stock exchange game for America’s premier sport for brand activation and fan involvement

LOS ANGELES, CA—(February 4, 2010) RotoHog, one of the fastest-growing and most innovative fantasy sports operators and game developers for major brands and professional sports, today announced that they have formed a strategic partnership with NASCAR.COM. RotoHog has built a fantasy exchange game that will begin in February with the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series at Daytona. NASCAR.COM is part of Turner Sports.

“There is perhaps no sport that has a more passionate and dedicated following than NASCAR.COM, and we think that the fans will take to this exchange game like no other application in the sport,” said Kelly Perdew, CEO of RotoHog. “NASCAR.COM Stock Exchange is about being able to buy and sell drivers as you build and rotate your own team each week to compete for fantasy points. Just like a stock ticker, RotoHog’s Sports Market Ticker™ shows live pricing movements of the drivers based on the drivers’ supply and demand and provides a real-time indicator of the fan favorites in the game.” To explore or sign up for the game, visit


RotoHog builds powerful, award-winning games around any set of structured data (statistics, website activity, appearances on magazine covers, ticket sales, song downloads, etc.) for media partners such as Disney/ABC,, NASCAR.COM, Sporting News, Turner Digital,, The Los Angeles Times, Pro Football Weekly, AVP, Fox Sports International, GoDaddy, and LG Electronics. Their gaming platform allows major brands and media companies to engage and monetize their audiences via a GaaS (Games as a Service) model. RotoHog is privately held, and based in Los Angeles, CA. Investors include Allen & Co, Mission Ventures, DFJ Dragon and Sports Capital Partners Worldwide.

For more information on RotoHog or having games designed and built, please visit

Media Contact:
Joe Favorito

Feb 06

Huffington Post Interview - Kelly Perdew and RotoHog

by Kelly Perdew Apprentice, Donald Trump, Entrepreneur, Fantasy Sports, Football, Leadership,, Sports No Comments

Catching Up With Kelly Perdew, The Apprentice Season II Winner and CEO of

Peter Robert Casey

First media credentialed microblogger in college hoops history

Posted: February 2, 2010 03:16 PM

As the fantasy gaming space evolves more and more into the mainstream, no one is more positioned to be a leader and innovator in the space than Chief Executive Officer, Kelly Perdew . Kelly’s entrepreneurial experience and vision, as well as his track record of success, puts him in a very unique position in a space that most media experts see as emerging as a viable, long term financial investment in the sports and entertainment world., an industry leader in the creation of fantasy sports platforms for leagues, portals and major media companies like the NBA (official fantasy basketball game provider), Pro Football Weekly (commissioner and exchange football games) and Brazil’s ClicRBS (the largest online fantasy soccer game in the country) has quickly carved its spot in a crowded field under Perdew’s guidance.

The former Army Ranger is one of the veterans in the relatively new fantasy activation space, and his track record of delivering successful results with solid start-up planning is almost unparalleled in the business. Prior to taking the reins at, Perdew turned two start-ups, one in the grassroots sports area and one in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts, into the leaders of their genre. First, as president of the largest amateur sport portal on the web — - he oversaw the strategic build of a company which addressed the needs of recreational athletes and teams to connect, and is now serving more than three million amateur sports teams as part of Active Networks. Then as president of; he created an online social network that was among the most innovative in the highly popular sport of MMA. Under his leadership, ProElite, Inc. raised over $40M, including $5M from CBS, inked a three-year exclusive deal with Showtime for airing its fights and televised the first network primetime MMA fight on CBS.

Although known to the public mainly as the winner of the second season of the NBC hit TV show “The Apprentice,” and as the author of the critically-acclaimed book “Take Command, 10 Leadership Principles I Learned in the Military and Put to Work for Donald Trump,” Kelly’s real success has been behind the scenes, building and managing forward-thinking and innovative emerging brands. In addition to his three successful digital ventures, he has been a Manager at Deloitte Consulting in the Braxton Strategy Practice and served in the US Army as a Military Intelligence Officer and Airborne Ranger. He has also held numerous leadership positions in such companies as the Trump Organization, CoreObjects Software, K12 Productions, and

Perdew has a BS from the US Military Academy, West Point, a JD from the UCLA School of Law, and an MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA. He also hosted a show on the Military Channel called “GI Factory,” and is a celebrity spokesperson for Big Brothers/Sisters and The National Guard Youth Challenge Program. Kelly received a Presidential Appointment to the President’s Council on Civic Participation and Service in June 2006. He currently lives in Los Angeles.

Here’s a transcript of my conversation with Kelly:

PRC: West Point grad. Army Ranger. Winner of Donald Trump’s celebrated reality show, The Apprentice (Season II). JD/MBA from UCLA. Author. Successful entrepreneur. The list goes on and on. You’ve accomplished a lot in a little time. What inspires you?

Kelly Perdew : Fear of failure? (Smiles) Seriously, I love the hunt and the entrepreneurial spirit that these times present and games and sports really are still like the Wild West in the digital space. We have just started scratching the surface of what can be done, and fantasy gaming (not just for sports, but for entertainment, social and even regulated gaming) is really a very interesting place to be right now.

PRC: How did your military academy background and Ranger training prepare you to succeed under pressure on such a large stage (national television)? What is the single-most valuable piece of advice that Trump instilled in you?

Kelly Perdew : I wrote a book titled, Take Command: 10 Leadership Principles I Learned in the Military and Put to Work for Donald Trump, that specifically outlines why I think my military leadership background has helped me in business and helped me succeed on the show. I was very fortunate to be able to attend West Point, where they actually train leadership as a course of study. It is an amazing institution and they do a great job at training leaders, not just for the military, but for a lifetime of service to the country.

Donald taught me to think big. Too frequently people look at a problem and then frame the solution in a very small and specific way. Donald does a great job of solving problems in a very big way. He is also a master at using the media to his advantage - a very important tool in business.

PRC: Working for Donald Trump and the Trump Organization is a fantasy for many MBAs. You’ve moved on, but the fantasy concept didn’t go away. Talk to us about, your fantasy gaming platform, where you serve as CEO. How did you position the company and your entrepreneurial experience to become a leader in the fantasy sports activation space?

Kelly Perdew : Upon my arrival at RotoHog 18 months ago, we looked at the assets we had and determined where the best position would be for the future. RotoHog has developed two amazing assets - a highly configurable gaming platform that is scalable and flexible and a team of game designers that can create very compelling games for our clients and their end users.

We have invested a lot of time and money in the platform and the team can solve any objectives for our clients (growing and engaging their user base, monetizing, exploiting social media and mobile environments, and we can do this in any language). We have created partnerships with major brands who need help accomplishing their objectives. It has worked very well for clients like Turner Digital, Fox Sports International, NBA, AVP, The Sporting News and now NASCAR and others. They can concentrate on what they do best and leave the below the line to us.

PRC: Fantasy gaming has evolved from its modest beginnings. RotoHog has worked with some very successful brands as you just mentioned. What unique value does your product offer to clients?

Kelly Perdew : The flexibility of our gaming platform allows us to configure very compelling games for our clients and we do it very quickly. The rotohog team can build and integrate a game for our client within 2-3 weeks. This gives our clients the ability to respond very fast to their sponsors for promotions, campaigns and we also provide very deep activation hooks in the games for the brands. These games are fully integrated into the clients’ sites, have open APIs for bi-directional sharing of information with social media sites, and can have features that monetize the user base.

The bottom line is we provide best in class game applications that are fun, scalable and adaptable to the audience. We can build games for any sport, reality show, movie release, social media site, mobile device…really anything with structure data. They run well, they look great and the technology is constantly evolving. For instance, you can see the broad range of capabilities we offer by comparing the stock exchange game we just launched with “The Bachelor” game we launched for ABC.

PRC: Where is this trend going? What drives the growth of fantasy sports participation?

Kelly Perdew : It is all about fan engagement. For sports, it used to be with board games and baseball cards, now you get to really see what it’s like to build your own teams and really be the coach or the GM. It is going more global very rapidly. Yes football and baseball are still king, but anywhere there is statistical data to be mined and there is a passionate fan base, fantasy will be in play. Also, the styles of games we can provide allow for broader audience appeal - simple games that exist across all media platforms are allowing brands to grow their audience.

PRC: How does leverage social media for your brand and for your partners/clients?

Kelly Perdew : The great thing about games is the way information spreads virally and some of our partners are the pioneers in the social media marketing space. They literally have millions of people online and engaged around the world every day. So by powering a part of that network with our games we are able to communicate in real time to a worldwide audience any new offerings or innovations that are a part of the gaming platform we continue to grow. All of the games we build can live in a social media environment in part or completely, depending on what our clients’ goals are. RotoHog is a B2B company and our brand to end users is not as important as our clients’ brands.

PRC: What is your vision for What does ultimate success look like for the brand?

Kelly Perdew : Success is simple: We succeed when our clients accomplish their objectives. As we focus on delivering compelling games that grow, engage and monetize for our clients, success fill follow.

PRC: How about for Kelly Perdew ? What will your legacy look like?

Kelly Perdew : My wife and i just had twins, so the definition of legacy changes a bit with something like that! (Smiles). On the business front, I love leading and building companies. The RotoHog team is the best at technology delivery, especially in sports and entertainment, and to some day see that we were part of the wave that created fun products for consumers to use as an escape from everyday life, and to further engage with their favorite brands, is pretty cool to me.

PRC: I would have to agree with that. Congratulations on all of your success, and double congratulations on your newborn twins. I really appreciate your time, considering how limited and valuable it is. Thank you!

Kelly Perdew : Thank you for the opportunity!

You can keep with Kelly via Twitter,, or by frequenting his blog:

Follow Peter Robert Casey on Twitter:


Feb 06

Interview in Colorado Newspaper - RotoHog and Kelly Perdew

by Kelly Perdew Apprentice, Donald Trump, Fantasy Sports, Football, Leadership,, Sports No Comments

Pre-game chat with “The Apprentice” champ Kelly Perdew : Are you ready for some football…and roses?

Colorado Springs Sports Relationships Examiner

Andi Brunetto

January 19, 1:28 PM

MSN Health and Fitness reported yesterday that January 18th is considered by at least one study to be the most depressing day of the year. Is this lag in mood due to the weather, holiday let-down, or could it be something even more vital? It seems quite possible that after a weekend of NFL playoffs, you may be facing the reality that your teams, (both real and fantasy) will not be making it to another week. How can you find solace? The answer is utilizing “the best fantasy sports platform in the world”.
. For serious sports fans, there can never be enough connectivity to your favorite teams, a fact not lost on Kelly Perdew , CEO of an innovative venture Perdew, was generous with his time during our interview, to give insight into this exciting new enterprise.The former Apprentice season two champion, is taking his talents from the boardroom to the electronic playing field, giving everyone a chance to be a head coach or GM. By recognizing the importance of being connected, whether by mobile device, internet or social networking sites such as Facebook- Rotohog is capable of delivering your gaming needs in ways that sports junkies are craving.
Perdew says the decision to start Rotohog was an easy one, “it’s a natural extension of communication. Fans get sports when they want it, where they want it.” In a world where relationships are largely based on technology, this marriage of sports and tech savy is a match made in heaven. But the social dynamic to this sports portal is just as important as getting your adrenaline pumping over your beloved team .
But the fun doesn’t stop at athletics, Rotohog is bringing together the excitement of fantasy sports with the popularity of roses-no, not the Rose Bowl, but ABC’s the Bachelor…Here are some ways to get involved as a couple, so when you are distracted by your favorite pastime, you can avoid hearing Donald’s famous words, “You’re fired!”.
Do some recruiting: If you are in a coupling that revolves around kick-off times, getting involved with fantasy sports can be a great way to get your sweetie interested. There are a lot of girls who enjoy rooting for a team you like, or maybe just think the Colts have better uniforms than the Ravens. No matter what the motivation, ask you girlfriend or wife to cheer on your picks and she’ll probably end up just as hooked on the game as you. But keep in mind there is a trade-off looming…
The Bachelor draft: Ladies who are passionate about The Bachelor on ABC, can now take part in some serious gaming. Hunnies already have a girl version of a tailgate- getting together to watch Jake Pavelka narrow down his dating pool, while being with friends sipping wine and eating tapas. But don’t let this scenario fool you; there is some hardcore yelling at the TV if Jake doesn’t pick your girl’s favorite contestant. Well now you can be involved in this process via Rotohog has a Rose Ceremony prediction game featured on the website. You become the matchmaker and what’s even better, is as you accumulate points by playing often, you have a greater chance at winning the Grand Prize: a trip for two to St. Lucia.
In the huddle: Perdew, not only a success in business but a family man as well, has some good advice for men who get involved with the fantasy sports boom. In his personal fantasy league, that he has been a part of for years, there is an annual tradition- “the champion of the season gets a trophy, it’s a large mouth bass mounted on a plaque and it must be displayed prominently. For the last two years, it has been in our living room, so some advice is to really be nice to your wife. Take out the trash more often at least!”

By supporting each other’s passions, whether it’s cheering for Perdew’s favorite team ,the Broncos or picking who the Bachelor should send home, you will have a happy coupling and maybe even win some sweet prizes. Kelly hopes next year the Broncos will get some more points on the board, develop a more effective offense and keep the Orange Crush together- but as he modestly states, “ I’m only a fantasy coach”. In any case Rotohog is onto a great way to game with the one you love, while meshing the worlds of tailgating and fantasy dates. This exciting new activity is sure to boost your happiness levels, and before you know it, you may be wearing that Orton jersey while watching Monday night Bachelor.


Feb 06

CBS and RotoHog take top honors at Fantasy Sports Trade Show

by Kelly Perdew Baseball, Fantasy Sports, Football,, Sports No Comments

CBS, Rotohog Win Accuracy Awards

CBS Sports set forth the most accurate football player rankings in 2009, while Rotohog was tops in stat projections for both baseball and football.

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Sara Holladay, the Fantasy Football Librarian, and Donnie Campbell of handed out those awards Wednesday at the Fantasy Sports Trade Association conference.

CBS topped a field of 48 participants — more than double the entries from 2008 — in the second season of the FSTA’s partnership on the Accuracy Challenge. Fantazzle took home last year’s award.

Rotohog’s wins each came in new categories.

Although the competition is obviously done at this point, Holladay and Campbell welcomed anyone who wasn’t included to submit their 2009 preseason rankings and/or projections now to see how they stacked up.


Jul 29

RotoHog CEO Open Letter - July 2009

by Kelly Perdew Entrepreneur, Fantasy Sports,, Sports No Comments

Dear friends and colleagues,

We continue gaining momentum and I want to update you on the past month. We are growing and adding new partners as we approach what will be a record fall season of creation and activation for the team here. Also, thank you very much for those of you that reached out with business ideas, they were very useful!

Recent exciting developments since we last communicated include:

Sporting News. We launched the fantasy football Salary Cap and Draft & Trade games on, which is the first of many launches with one of the premier titles in sports publishing. Find the games here: Salary Cap and League Manager. The league manager draft application will include features never before seen in the fantasy space. Check it out.

Fox Sports En Espanol. We launched our second-half baseball season with Fox Sports En Espanol, which follows on the heels of a very successful implementation of a fantasy game and Sports Market Ticker™ for their baseball coverage. Click here for the game. Fox secured an excellent sponsor for the game – Clamato.

The Sports Network. We closed a large-scale deal with The Sports Network wherein TSN will work with RotoHog to provide data and news across multiple sports. This will ensure that RotoHog and its partners have the most accurate, up-to-date information within their fantasy games.

Diskavontade. We closed a deal for RotoHog to power unique Brazilian Serie A and World Cup Pick ‘Em soccer games to Diskavontade, a company specializing in VOIP technology with emphasis on communications to and from Brazil. Diskavontade will use the game to attract and engage its network of agents, and to promote their products and features in an innovative fashion.

FUHU. A partnership with FUHU, one of the world’s leading web application providers, to create and manage fantasy sports games and content for their uFooz portable ID cards. This will enable subscribers to share fantasy sports, photo sharing and other content across a host of social networking platforms. The games and applications will also be housed on and be available to millions of fantasy game fans worldwide. Create your own urFooz card here.

AlwaysOn 250 Global Media Company Award. I am also very pleased to report that RotoHog was selected as a worldwide finalist by the industry group AlwaysON as one of their top 250 global media companies, and is one of the few sports entities to make the list. This is the latest in a series of acknowledgments that continues to show how quickly we are becoming a leader in the space, with a number of additional announcements and new partnerships coming in the fall. See list here.

RotoHog Redesign. We upgraded the look and feel of to highlight our platform capabilities. However, all of the games that you have enjoyed playing (and many more) will still be available on the site HERE.

The breadth of these relationships indicates the power and flexibility of the platform the team here has built. Despite the economic slowdown, the fantasy gaming space continues to grow, and we are very proud to be at the forefront of that growth with our applications, our unique games, the most scalable and flexible platform, and creative solutions for our business partners. Please let me know if you have any ideas for partners for all of our soccer offerings for next year!

As always, we want to thank you for your support and interest, and we hope to see you soon.



Jul 16

Sporting News Launches Fantasy Football Powered by RotoHog

by Kelly Perdew Football,, Sports No Comments

We went live this morning with both the Salary Cap and League Manager games on Sporting News.

Please check them out!

League Manager Game

Salary Cap Games

Have fun!

Jul 02

RotoHog Open Letter from Kelly Perdew, July 2009

by Kelly Perdew Baseball, Entrepreneur, Fantasy Sports, Leadership, NASCAR, NBA, Networking,, Soccer, Sports, Volleyball 1 Comment

July 1, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Approximately two months ago I sent along a first quarter “progress report” letter to keep everyone up to date with all the new developments at RotoHog, as we expanded our partnerships and secured the necessary additional funding we would need to take the business to a new level. At the end of the letter I mentioned that more good news was coming, and today I wanted to pass along the latest advances we have made in the business as we continue to make the company into the most innovative fantasy sports gaming developer for major brands and professional sports entities.

Our leadership position in this very competitive marketplace is expanding almost daily. Just in the last few weeks we have been able to announce:

• A landmark partnership with The Sporting News, where RotoHog will build, activate and market all online fantasy games for one of the most established online properties and storied names in sports and entertainment publishing.

• A partnership with Chris Russo and the folks at Fantasy Sports Ventures, the fastest-growing independent site on the web, to build games for FSV’s extensive list of sites and ever-evolving business partners, brands and sponsors.

• A strategic partnership with online news and content provider Operation Sports to produce, manage and market their 2009 Stock Exchange Football Game. Operation Sports is a leading news and content provider focused on the sports video game industry with over 100,000 members.

These new deals, in addition to our existing partnerships with the NBA, Turner Sports, FOX en Espanol, Pro Football Weekly, the AVP and others, give us the widest range of strategic partnerships to develop and build games in the industry today, and the best part is we are just beginning to establish our brand.

In the next few months we expect to continue to grow partnerships with additional media entities around the globe, as we shape RotoHog into the ultimate destination for brands who want to provide “best in class” and innovative gaming applications to their loyal subscribers ubiquitously on their sites, mobile, and social media channels.

Once again, we want to thank you for your support and interest, and as always, if there is anything we can help you with, please let us know.

And please come play our famous Stock Exchange Football Game here


Kelly Perdew
President & CEO, RotoHog

May 14

RotoHog’s Sports Market Ticker(TM) - Play Fantasy Baseball!

by Kelly Perdew Baseball, Fantasy Sports,, Sports, Sports Market Ticker No Comments

You can put this Sports Market Ticker(TM) anywhere! Just click “Settings” on the Ticker!

May 08

Manny’s Impact on You Fantasy Baseball Players

by Kelly Perdew Baseball, Fantasy Sports,, Sports 1 Comment

Here is Sean Koerner’s (one of RotoHog’s top fantasy analysts) view of Manny’s impact on fantasy players as a result of his 50-game suspension:

Players who own Manny:

Exchange/Salary Cap – pretty simple…you are going to want to drop him immediately!

H2H league – Don’t Panic. Place Manny onto your bench and don’t take him off until he returns on July 3rd. Hopefully your bench has enough depth where you can place a respectable OF in place of him, if not go scour the list of Free Agent Outfielders and add the best one available. Make sure you take a deep breath before looking at any of the trade offers you may get for Manny, the other owners in your league will be testing you to see just how low cheap you are willing to give him up right now. You are going to have to imitate Manny’s agent Scott Boras and be firm with the other owners and demonstrate that you feel that Manny still has a ton of value. Yes, he will be out for almost 8 weeks, but he will be back in time to produce for your team in the 2nd half of the season and in the playoffs. Speaking of the playoffs, here are a couple of scenarios to consider:

- If the season were to end today and your team were to make the playoffs; go ahead and keep Manny, be patient. Remember that he is suspended (and not injured), so when he returns he will most likely pick up where he left off and help you down the line in the playoffs when it matters most. If may start to slightly slip in the standings, but if you fear your playoff chances are getting more and more grim, you may need to sacrifice Manny to get a quick upgrade for that OF slot.

- If the season were to end today and your team would be out of playoff contention; go ahead and start to get a feel for who you can get for him. Maybe start with players like Adam Dunn (Was - OF) or Ryan Ludwick (STL - OF) and work your way down. It is very important to make it to the playoffs, so you must do everything and anything possible to get there, but it is also important to not give up too much!

Points League – Manny will not be producing any points for the next 8 weeks, so if you don’t have enough depth to sustain that kind of blow, then you might want to consider trading him away. It is important to get a player that would have enough value to start every single day for the rest of the season because that is what you might be missing with Manny being out. A player like Vernon Wells (Tor – OF) or Hunter Pence (Hou – OF) might be the range you can offer Manny for straight up.

Players who don’t own Manny:

-Try to offer ‘buy low’ trades to Manny owners immediately to try to catch them making a panic move. If you can afford to have Manny on your bench, propose straight-up trades for Manny with players playing way over their heads right now (such as Nick Swisher or Adam Lind) and see if you can snag him at a cheap price.

How Manny’s injury affects his teammates:

Orlando Hudson (4th in the NL in runs) will see a decrease in his run production and Andre Either (3rd in the NL in RBI’s) will see a decrease in RBI production. Therefore those 2 players take the biggest hit, but nothing to panic about. As far as Dodger pitchers such as Chad Billingsley and Clayton Kershaw go…yes they will miss Manny’s offensive production, but they will have a better defense behind them without ‘Manny Being Manny’ on the field and can only help their ratios such as ERA and WHIP (walks + hits / innings pitched).

Juan Pierre receives the biggest boost with Manny’s suspension and should be the favorite to fill in for him in LF. Owners who are desperate for steals should pick him up immediately.

May 07

Online Gaming Going to be Legalized Again?

by Kelly Perdew Fantasy Sports,, Sports No Comments

Looks like it is going to happen:!

How will it impact Fantasy Sports?

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